The Ultimate Comeback Story: Her Own Hero, by Author Jenn Sadai @authorjennsadai #womensfiction #bookreview #girlpower

herownheroSamantha Tilson is a struggling showgirl who’s always relied on her womanly charm and sex appeal to survive. Swept off her feet by a Spanish stud, she thinks she’s finally met the man who will save her. It’s not until she’s under gunfire and running from the law that she realizes, only she can save herself.

Published by Little Creek Books: March 16, 2017
My Rating: 5 Stars

Genre: Women’s Fiction, Suspense

AWRW Book Review

I would like to thank the author for the complimentary copy.

Her Own Hero, by Jenn Sadai, is a suspenseful women’s fiction novel about a Vegas Showgirl named Samantha whose life is turned upside down when Mr. Right turns out to be anything but. Following a thrilling series of events, Samantha learns how to take care of herself, becoming her own hero.

Samantha’s life has never been easy. At a young age, she learned how to survive in complete chaos. As a teen and young woman, she uses her looks and her charm to con and manipulate men. That’s until a near-tragedy, where Samantha learns she can no longer rely on men to save her. Samantha reevaluates her life and takes ownership of her mistakes. She realizes she needs to be her own hero.

Ms. Sadai crafted a flawed yet loveable heroine in this ultimate comeback story. While Samantha makes a lot of bad choices along the way, she learns from each one, owning her mistakes. It isn’t until she is prison that it finally comes full circle—being locked up is surprisingly a positive turning point in this woman’s life.

Themes of women’s empowerment are heavy throughout the book. This is not only a thrilling suspense, but an empowering women’s fiction novel sure to satisfy fans of books where the heroine reclaims her power (and her identity) despite the seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Five stars. I truly enjoyed this book.

Purchase: Amazon, USA


About the Author

Jenn Sadai


From Amazon:

Jenn Sadai is on a mission to support and inspire women. Her first book, Dark Confessions of an Extraordinary, Ordinary Woman delves into the dark consequences of domestic violence, drug use, and depression. Jenn shares her experiences it the hope it will help others with similar struggles. Her second book, Dirty Secrets of the World’s Worst Employee, follows Jenn’s crooked career path and the obstacles she overcame while discovering her true calling. Her professional journey tackles critical issues such as gender equality, sexual harassment and workplace bullying.

Cottage Cheese Thighs is the third book in her “Self-esteem Series.” It dissects and rejects society’s perception of how a woman should look while teaching the reader how to love their own body, flaws and all. Her Own Hero is Jenn’s first attempt at fiction, but she promises it won’t be her last.

Jenn Sadai is a proud Canadian, born in Windsor, Ontario, where she resides with her heroic husband, super stepchildren, and two lovable labs. You can reach Jenn through the various social media links on her website,

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